Why choose WTW?

We specialize in flexible design - our engineers will select an appropriate technical solution for eachlocation, not only for newly constructed buildings, but also for existing small hydropower plants(SHP) requiring modernization.

We cooperate with investors at every stage, from the concept of the SHP construction using ourturbo assemblies, through the drawing of technical and construction documentation to obtainingnecessary permits.

In addition to the mechanical equipment, we also supply electrical equipment. We make monitoringsystems for hydropower plants with remote operation and supervision via the internet and SMS.

We provide warranty and post-warranty service.


WTW Poland Ltd. is the leading Polish manufacturer of turbines, as well as mechanical and electricalequipment for small hydropower plants. The roots of the company date back to 1986. To date, wehave manufactured more than 160 turbines not only for Polish customers but also for clients fromBelarus, Germany, Estonia and Ukraine.

We help our customers from the very beginning of the investment process - developing concepts anddesigns for power plant construction; we select the right equipment and facilities.

Our devices operate both in new buildings and in such places as revitalised old mills.


Renewable energy is a very important factor affecting the development of the world economy. Ourgoal is to manufacture turbines that will enable not only the production of environmentally cleanelectricity but will also meet the expectations of our customers for build quality and ensure fast andreliable return on the capital invested in the construction of the power plant.


The designs of the turbines we manufacture are drawn using Inventor Professional 3D modellingsoftware from Autodesk. The automation and electrical parts are created in the SEE Electricalenvironment from IGE-XAO Company. Our turbines and power plant equipment use materials andparts from such globally renowned manufacturers such as: SKF, Balluff, Moeller, Siemens, ANGA.

All this makes the turbines manufactured by WTW operate reliably for many years.

Our certificates